Mentally healthy children are more successful in school and life.

We offer a variety of school based services that can be catered specifically to your school and designed around your unique needs.

Mental Health

Family Pride performs mental wellness groups for students, who may benefit from sharing and learning from one another. These topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Self esteem and friendship skills
  • Anxiety and stress reducing strategies
  • Communication and problem solving
  • Family dynamics and conflict resolution
  • Signs of depression and suicide prevention
  • Grief related services


Family Pride will work with school officials to determine needs and topics that would best resonate with faculty and staff. Trainings can be catered to a one time in-service or ongoing meetings and trainings.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • De-escalation in the classroom
  • Coping skills and mindfulness in the Classroom
  • Signs of depression and suicide prevention
  • Understanding trauma informed care and how to manage behavior concerns caused by trauma
  • Skills for dealing with disruptive and difficult kids in the classroom
  • Grief related services

Screening Tool

Family Pride created a wellness screening tool to allow school officials to better understand the mental health needs of their students. The screening tool allows a more direct way to link specific students with resources both inside and outside of school.

  • Students are screened by a licensed counselor to determine any elevated scores in symptoms of depression, self-harm, anxiety, and stress management.
  • Family Pride will notify and link parents to resources based on the needs of their child.
  • The Screening Tool allows the school to provide pre and post data on the benefits of in-school resources and interventions

Individual Counseling & Case Management

Individual help with navigating symptoms of mental health.

  • Friendship skills
  • Increasing positive communication
  • Consultation with parents, faculty, and administration.
  • Exploring specific mental health symptoms

For more information contact our offices Today!

Resources for some of these services are made possible by The United Way of Geauga County